Every year, Florida Technical College graciously provides their campus for the full use of Florida DrupalCamp.

As such, we are required to follow - at minimum - their requirements for health and safety protocols related to COVID-19 while on their campus. You may read their full policy here and please note that these policies are subject to change at any time without notice.

In addition, for the safety of our own attendees, Florida DrupalCamp has additional protocols that must be followed in order to attend the Camp in person. Below is a breakdown of FLDC policies as well as the requirements from Florida Technical College.

Florida DrupalCamp Policies

Florida DrupalCamp's top priority remains the health and safety of our attendees, organizers and sponsors. Therefore, in accordance with our policies, U.S. government regulations, and our ongoing commitment to prioritizing the health and safety of our associates, their families, and the community at large, all attendees, organizers and sponsors attending the Camp in person be fully vaccinated against COVID-19*.

Acceptable vaccines include, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Sinovac, but excludes the Sputnik vaccine (per US law). You are considered fully vaccinated as long as it has been received at least two weeks prior to your arrival at Florida DrupalCamp (February 4th, 2022).

We reserve the right to ask for proof of vaccination from any attendee, organizer or sponsor, at any time, per our discretion. Failure to provide proof upon asking may result in denial of admission to the Camp, a request to leave the FTC campus if already in attendance and/or forfeit of a refund for admission. Please note that this policy is subject to change at any time without notice. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Should you require accommodation for medical or religious reasons, we will engage in an interactive process with you to determine if a reasonable accommodation can be provided in accordance with applicable City, State and/or Federal law. If you have additional questions beyond this announcement, please contact us.

Air Filters in Every Room

Florida DrupalCamp volunteers will be building Corsi-Rosenthal box filters for every room, which evidence suggests reduces the amount of potential viral particles.

Corsi box filter with a box fan and air filters.

Saturday Catered Lunch Outside

In addition to eating (which requires removal of your mask, lunchtime is a great time to socialize and network with other Drupal practitioners from around the world. To make this as safe as possible, we're renting a 20ft by 40ft tent for outdoor dining and catering. 

20 foot by 40 foot white tent.

Florida Technical College Policies

Effective: August 2, 2021

In order to maintain a healthy environment while on Campus, we ask that, you abide by these guidelines:

All students, employees, and visitors must:

  • Must wear and/or present Identification if asked (example: namebadge).
  • Must wear a face covering correctly while on campus for all vaccinated and unvaccinated campus visitors, faculty, staff, and students.
  • Campus Common Areas will be limited, we ask that you refrain from visiting other classrooms, departments, unless necessary or by appointment.
  • Comply with posted campus guidelines and established hygiene and sanitation requirements.

Before visiting the campus, if you respond “YES” to any of the questions below, please refrain from going to campus or, if you have already traveled to campus, please exit the campus immediately.

  1. Are you still under a 10-day quarantine period for potential COVID-19 contagion?
  2.  Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the past 10 days?
  3.  Have you had a fever or felt feverish in the last 72 hours?
  4.  Are you experiencing any new respiratory symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath?
  5.  Are you experiencing any new muscle aches or chills?
  6.  Have you experienced any new change in your sense of taste or smell?
  7. Have you taken the COVID-19 test in the past 7 days, and have not received the results?


As stated by the CDC, vaccination is the leading prevention strategy to protect individuals from COVID-19 disease and end the COVID-19 pandemic. Our institution supports the CDC campaign to stop the spread. For information about vaccination centers please visit

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors